Ten will never be gone

The 10th Doctor will never be really gone as he said himself - he couldn`t really accept that even though he would regenerate, it feels like dying.  "Some new man goes sauntering off and i`m gone"

So there are those of us who keep the 10th Doctor alive in our memories.

Some of us just never accepted that the Doctor who took his place was really the same man.  He didn`t act like him, didn`t appear to have a lot of the same memories and certainly did not have a  vibrant, outgoing personality like Ten.

Ten things we love most about the 10th Doctor

  1. His personality
  2. His favourite quotes of "Allons-y" and "What?"
  3. His smile
  4. The running
  5. Healing himself instead of regenerating the first time
  6. Creating the ability to make another version of himself
  7. His love for Rose and leaving her with his other self so she could be happy
  8. He`s like fire and ice
  9. Visited his friends before regenerating to get his reward
  10.  He didn`t want to go - and we didn`t want him to
Ten was fun, full of life, and ran a lot!

He always ended up on his own because he thought that everyone should leave at some point, some forget him or because they should.

He was always trying to do the right thing, even when the choices he made went wrong.  He was always in a moral dilema, save the world or lose someone, usually someone close to him but also someone he`d just met.  It was the world against the Doctor, the monsters against the Doctor - did he let the monsters win and take over the Earth (again) or did he do something about it?  No-one ever knew except the few.  No-one ever thanked him (he never asked to be thanked) as was pointed out but most importantly - no-one knew his name.  He was as he said to Adelaide Brook on Mars  "The maintainance man of the universe"

Ten may not be The Doctor any more but he will always be "Our Doctor"

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